Computer Laboratory

Computers : Smt. M.K. School (Eng. Medium) provides state of the art desktop computers to all its faculty members and staff. The Institute has two computer labs with more than 100 computers connected by a very fast and well-connected local area network (LAN) with 10 MBPS  broadband internet connectivity. The Institute through its campus wide network provides connectivity to its resources such as Library information, printing and file access, Internet and Mail Services. Institute has permitted to the students to use their computers and Internet services in the campus is equipped with network access points that enable the student to have access to all these resources. However, a student is expected to possess a network enabled PC to gain such access.

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  • abc defrg thysu ooip jkifbtg fff
  • abc defrg thysu ooip jkifbtg fff
  • abc defrg thysu ooip jkifbtg fff
  • abc defrg thysu ooip jkifbtg fff